Rock Dust Indoor Trial Begins

Welcome to the beginning of the 2014 Rock Dust indoor trial.

Between now and the last frost date I will be starting a number of plants. I plan to start the indoor portion of my Rock Dust Trials when I plant tomatoes and peppers in my grow room. The indoor trial will end in May when the plants are transplanted into the garden.

The outdoor field trial will start in the spring. On our Google+ page (link below) there are trial documents that describe the guidelines that we will follow in.

Rock dust product claims to provide trace minerals that allow for an increase in favorable conditions for beneficial molds, fungi, bacteria and earthworms.

The purpose of the indoor rock dust trial is to test the following hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1: Soils containing rock dust will result in plants that are more vigorous and larger.

Hypothesis 2: Adding rock dust to a potting mix will not have an impact on the germination rate of seeds started indoors under grow lights compared to similar seeds started in a potting mix with no rock dust.

For more information please check out the Google + Page:

Check out the following sources of Rock Dust I have found.

Gaia Green Rock Dust:

Azomite Rock Dust:

About Stephen

The Alberta Urban Garden Channel hopes to promote organic gardening that is simple, sustainable and does not have to cost a lot. We do this by investigating the Science behind gardening, methods, practices and products to make sure that you will have the best chance of successfully growing your own food at home.
